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24 mars 2013

Korg mega sets package (1.15gb) for pa 50/80/500/800 & pa 1x/2x pro.


KORG mega styles package

This package  for pa 50/80/500/800 - pa 1x/2x pro.

2 commentaires:

  1. Dear Maestro,

    First of all, many thanks for this website & your big effort.
    I send you this message because I have a problem to download the "korg-megastyle-package-part11.rar". For your information, I downloaded all the ".rar" folders of this Korg mega styles package. I still have only the part N°11 to complete my decompress of files.
    It will be possible to update the link of this "korg-megastyle-package-part11.rar".
    Thank you in advance for your support
    Good continuation

  2. hello I would ask if they can back up part 9 from and thank you very much.
